Washington’s museums, monuments and memorials
As we're travelling through the USA we can’t help but think of the movies and TV series that we have watched over the years based in various locations in the States. Forrest Gump was very excited to be ‘in our nation’s capital’ on his visit to Washington D.C., so we smiled when we walked past the Washington Monument and along the reflection pool. This was the very spot where the movie’s characters, Jenny and Forrest found each other again. The scenes from the films we remember did not actually occur, but it sometimes feels like a real memory when you walk around the corner and see an iconic, yet familiar structure that appeared in West Wing or House of Cards . Walking the National Mall in Washington certainly felt like this a little more so than other places we have visited in the US. Lincoln Memorial, Washington DC, USA Most visitors and locals consider Washington D.C. to be an expensive city. The accommodation and restaurants certainly help to create this impress...