Essential Items for Long-term Travellers

My mother recently visited us on our travels and asked us what items we have not used; and what items we have found to be essential. She was with us in Johannesburg when we left for this round-the-world trip and saw us straining under the weight of our ridiculously heavy bags, so this was an appropriate question. As we got going on our journey, we quickly noticed that all the other travellers with backpacks had far smaller bags than we did and we saw the potential error in our ways. However, still in a vague state of denial we have lugged these bags and their contents around for close to 150 days – it is tough letting go of the last few items you own in the world. When we arrive in a city and are likely to be wondering around rather disorientated until we get our bearings, we treat ourselves and catch a taxi to our lodgings. Public transport can wait until you are 18 - 25kgs lighter. This rule we put in place when we arrived at our first destination in Hanoi and kept being directe...